Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Smell of Christmas

This guest post from Rafael Hodge

My kids and I love to make Christmas ornaments and decorations. Our favorite decoration to make is gingerbread houses! Instead of buying a gingerbread kit, we buy graham crackers, icing, sprinkles, Christmas chocolates, and candies. We get a holiday tray and start putting the house together, using the icing to keep the graham crackers together. Once the house is built and sturdy, we put icing on the roof, then cover it with sprinkles. And we make a Christmas scene with the candy. When everyone is done, I put them on the dining room table as decorations. The kids are always proud of their work!

We also like to make ornaments that make the whole house smell good. We do this by taking a bowl and mixing half apple sauce and half cinnamon. After it is mixed together, you can use a cookies cutter to cut them into Christmas designs. Then, you need to make sure to leave a whole at the top, so you can put a string through it so it can hang on the tree. Then, you just put it in the oven for about 10 minutes until it looks done. They make the house smell amazing with the warm scent of cinnamon.

Doing these Christmas projects bring my family together. We usually end the night watching Christmas movies on our Direct TV satellite TV deals!

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