Monday, December 13, 2010

Silhouette ornaments

Guest post written by Eliza Collins

We have several different picture ornaments on our Christmas tree, but I thought that maybe I could do something that would be kind of like pictures but represent all my kids just the same.

I went online to try and get some inspiration for some personalized ornaments that weren't just picture ones. But I wanted to do something a little bit more than just an ornament with a name on it though. While I was searching for this, I found the website and read through it. As a result, I ordered a home internet package.

Then I found this really great idea for a silhouette ornament. I had my kids sit for silhouette portraits back a few years ago and just created mini versions of them for the ornaments. They looked really nice on the tree and are a little more formal than most picture ornaments, which is kind of what I was going for anyway. My kids thought that they were pretty neat once I hung them up on the tree and told them what they were.

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