Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Support The Kid's Interests

I always been fascinated to watch about golf. Every time when my favorite player has a game, i never miss watching it for i always am amazed how does it. You probably knew already who the most famous player in golf since he is very popular all over the world and he's making huge amount of money because of his special skills. Because i have been watching that favorite show of mine since then, i became aware of all the things that the golf player is using, such as the golf clubs and has to wear the proper golf shoes. It's really neat to watch when golfer is doing it so good, i can just imagine how fun it is to be in the field and do that kind of game.

I just wish that one of my kids will start to like at least one sport. That would be awesome if one of them will like to be a golfer someday. I am just imagining you know, who knows it might come true someday when they grow up! We will surely watch every game they have. Since i am a big fan to this guy that i always watch his game, i tried to familiarize the things that he is using in golf game such as the golf bags and the golf balls. Hubby said that it's quite an interesting game and it would be awesome if one of our kids will love it. But, whatever they wanted to be when they grow up, we'll be here all the time to support their interests in life.

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