Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Trip To Atlanta

You all know that we had a very fun trip last holiday season. And we truly had fun with our trip. We went to many places and different states in America. We were a little worried during our last stop in Arizona though because our son got lost in the hotel where we stayed for a night. He was gone for almost half an hour and i was starting to panic until hubby found some blops in the hallway. We know that when our son cries a lot, he will start to threw up. And when hubby saw that mess by the hallway, he just followed it and lead him to facility room. And there was our son and the lady in charge to the hotel's facilities trying to ask our son what's his name and what's his parents name. I was really freaking out that time, i thought i had him in my arms and fell asleep with mommy, good thing we found him right away, i almost went crazy though.

Anyway, since we love to do the sightseeing tours a lot, our plan for our next trip will be in Atlanta, where my sister in law lives. I never been to Georgia and i am dying to go there someday. And hubby said that might as well my tummy is not that big yet, we can enjoy still and have some more trips, and get the chance to win handheld GPS. We just have to sign up for the Newsletter in Trusted Tours & Attractions and that would be it! So guys why don't you join this fun and get the chance to win this handheld GPS if you and your family love to travel a lot. Who knows you might be the lucky winner!

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