Thursday, March 20, 2008

Seafood Lover

Who could resist the delicious taste of oyster? Definitely not me! I love oyster a lot and as i mentioned before that i grew up nearby seashore and i pretty much used to eat different kinds of seafoods, especially the oyster because i love it and i eat it raw sometimes. But i just found out that oyster can sometimes harm us without knowing it. I searched a best website that is talking about Gulf oysters of how can this harm to our health by eating it raw. Also i found out that this website has a lot to share with us including the best recipes they can teach us on how to prepare the oyster so it will come out delicious and good food for us.

Anyway, oyster has a lot of different kind of substance in it that other seafoods don't have, this oyster is very special and indeed very popular to seafood lover. As for me, i just couldn't resist the oyster every time we dine out in a seafood restaurant, i always have oyster in my plate. But since i am informed now that i need to prepare it good for health purposes, i am glad and thankful that i am now aware about this matter.

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