Thursday, December 13, 2007

Hilarious Video Clip

Hahahaha this is really a funny video clip from youtube. It is just so silly that Mr. moonbeam, the elf that keep bugging the poor operator of about the game elf toss game in the video. This elf prank call to American Greetings is just so hilarious and made my day. Silly elf! And if you wanna know what i am referring to you might wanna check elf prank call to American Greetings and i'm sure you're gonna laugh your heads off like i did. And oh by the way! If you want to order personalized greeting cards this Christmas i'm sure you would love to see the different kinds of styles of holiday cards in and it's cool because you can personalize it with your picture or your family's picture that you are going to purchase.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow!!!! $50 richer huh? good job Darl! di na poor atong day dha? :D